Meet Dr. Mary Ann Block
A Physician, An Author And A Mother
Internationally known for her drug free treatment of ADHD, Autism, and Depression, and for her unique approach to Dementia and Alzheimer’s.
Meet Dr. Block – Who’s Journey to Becoming a Doctor Inspired a Lifetime Channel Documentary
Dr. Block went to medical school to save her daughter, after doctors, who prescribed the drugs that made her sick, could not get her well. Before becoming a physician, Dr. Block was a mother of a seriously ill daughter, who was offered no help from doctors. Refusing to give up, she went to medical school at age 39, and found the answers. Today her daughter is healthy and a mother to her own children. Only months after she opened her new practice, Dr. Block’s mother was diagnosed with lung cancer and given two months to live by doctors at MD Anderson. Dr. Block fought with the same determination for her mother as she had for her daughter, refusing to believe her mother wouldn’t recover. Dr. Block spent endless hours at the medical library searching to find the best medical and non-medical approaches that would save her mother. Using everything she knew and learned, she developed innovative and forward thinking treatments that saved her mother, who went on to live 18 more years, dying at the age of 92 and never having cancer again.
“I was like you, searching for answers to help my child be healthy and successful life. That is my goal for you and your loved ones” Dr. Mary Ann Block
Driven by her passion for helping people and her belief that innovation and creative thinking could build something revolutionary, the vision for the Clarity Chair was born.
The Clarity Chair was developed by Dr. Mary Ann Block, physician, author and internationally known for her drug-free approach to ADHD, Autism, Alzheimer’s and Depression. Dr. Block went to medical school at age 39 to save her daughter. When she saw how families with children diagnosed with neurological problems were in pain like her family once was, she wanted to help. The current options took too much time, were expensive and many could not follow the directions to participate. She knew there had to be a better way. As she had done to save her mother, Dr. Block researched and used everything she knew and learned to develop something that would help them quickly, easily, and inexpensively.
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Clarity Chair
Middle East & North Africa
Clarity Chair Middle East, LLC
Houston, Texas
Ahmed Hossen 832-799-4088