Sebastian stops stuttering, improves focus & no longer needs medication
“I would swear on it one hundred percent. I really think it changed his life.”
Sebastian’s Story
Fourteen-year-old Sebastian had always been driven, even as early as the age of three. However, “I felt like he was never at peace” his mother recalled. “Even when he was asleep, he never seemed to be at rest.” She also explained that Sebastian had difficulty focusing and had problems with communication and reading.
His parents tried various therapies over the years attempting to help Sebastian overcome these issues but nothing helped. They sought the help of medical specialists and had a neurologic evaluation. Medication was prescribed to help him while in school. “I felt like the medication made him dull and not himself,” his mother recalled, “when the medication wore off later in the day his hyperactive behavior resumed.” When the doctor recommended another dose in the evening to control the behavior and a different medication before bed so he could sleep, his parents decided to stop all the medications and look for a better solution for Sebastian. While they continued to search, his grandfather found out about a new program to Southwest Florida, available through his doctor, Michael C. Shaffer, D.C., of the Naples Chiropractic Group, which changed Sebastian’s life.
The day Sebastian started the treatment he started showing improvements. “The Change in Sebastian, from the first day was noticeable.” recalled his grandfather. Almost instantly his agitation level began to and his communication improved. Truly a blessing.” Sebastian’s improvements continued to strengthen and last well after the 5-day treatment. His mother reports his vocabulary has increased and his reading skills have improved. “The atmosphere in the whole house changed. It became calm and peaceful. Sebastian is more communicative now and no longer stutters.” She says she recommends the Clarity Chair, I would swear on it one hundred percent. I really think it changed his life. I feel like he is at peace now and can learn more. Before, his mind would race so much he couldn’t learn. It is almost like a balance for him. He continues to improve each day.”
“The change in Sebastian, from the first day was noticeable. Almost instantly his agitation level began to wane and his communication improved. Truly a blessing.”
“I was interested in providing an effective treatment for brain relevant issues in my clinic. Most of these programs take months to complete and require the person to follow directions and do specific activities to develop the sensory skills. Some people, like Sebastian, are unable to perform these routines; even though they are good candidates for sensory integration training. That is why I decided to add Clarity Chair treatment to my practice. Most importantly, for people like Sebastian, it is passive, requiring no effort on the part of the participant.”
Goal of Clarity Chair Treatment:
To help Sebastian overcome his brain relevant issues without medications that made him dull and only covered up issues until they wore off and the issues resumed. His parents tried various therapies over the years but nothing helped so they continued to look for addition options and hoped the Clarity Chair would finally be their solution.
Before Clarity Chair
- Parents tried various therapies over the years but nothing helped
- Medication was prescribed to help him while in school but made him dull
- Never at peace
- Constantly active
- Difficulty controlling behavior
- Easily agitated
- Lacked focus and concentration
- Trouble communicating and would stutter
- Struggled with reading & vocabulary
- Never felt at peace
After Clarity Chair Results:
All of Sebastian’s reported post Clarity Chair symptoms improved including:
- Vocabulary increased
- Improved focus & concentration
- Less agitated
- Reading skills have improved
- Calmer and at peace
- Improved communicative
- No longer stutters